We are excited to announce that our first app will be available for a public beta on May 16th. At Arundel Mobile Professionals we strive to release reliable software that is easy to use on different types of devices. We are also eager to make our first app available to anyone that would like to use it as soon as possible, which is why we are having this public beta period.
What is Mathler?
Mathler is a daily puzzle on Mathler.com by Daniel Tait. The puzzle gives a different target number every day, and the goal is to guess a specific expression that evaluates to that target number. After each guess you are told if each character in the expression is in the right place, wrong place, or not in the expression at all. You have up to six guesses the come up with the solution.
What is Mathler Helper?
Mathler Helper is an app that helps solve the daily Mathler Puzzle. You can enter the target number, any guesses you have made, and the app will show you every possible solution. The app will also determine a best guess that will help learn the most possible information to help get a solution in the least possible guesses. You can also use the app just to check whether the next guess is a possible solution based on the information you have learned from the previous guesses.
Mathler Helper is a completely free application that is also free of any type of advertising.
How Do I Sign Up For The Beta?
If you would like to sign up simply go to our beta sign up page and enter your information. The app will be available through TestFlight, which is Apple’s standard way of making beta software available.
About Arundel Mobile Professionals
Arundel Mobile Professionals is a new company out of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. We are available if you would like an app or web site for your business. Contact us if you would like a quote. In addition to making custom apps on request we focus on puzzle and simple social media style apps.
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